About Us

Institute For Peace And Leadership, USA is a non-Profit and non-governmental organization promoting sustainable community development, gender equality, peaceful co-existence, inter-religious understanding and cross-cultural harmony across the United States and worldwide through research and documentation, public education, leadership skills development, Inter-religious dialogue and cross-cultural service learning. Institute For Peace And Leadership, USA is duly registered in the United States.

Institute For Peace And Leadership, USA provides support and capacity strengthening to governments, civil society organizations and other stakeholders. We provide life changing assistance to victims of violence, undertake advocacy and awareness raising activities, implement innovative projects, as well as source for and provide funding to various local community stakeholders for their activities to end violence, foster peaceful coexistence and sustainable development.

Institute For Peace And Leadership, USA addresses Violence Against Women (VAW), children, persons with disabilities, minority and disadvantaged people and groups in the United States, Haiti and Nigeria while also networking with International development partners and networks worldwide through collaborative research and analysis, public and civic engagement, legal and policy development and victims support services that promotes sustainable peace and development in communities across the globe as part of the United Nations global goals for development, Agenda 2030.

Research, Advocacy & Workshops

Research, Advocacy & Workshops on (SDGs) 4 - Quality Education, 5 -Gender Equality, 16 - Peace and Justice through participatory community activism, & 17 - Partnership Building.